Costel R. Rotundu
My research focus is the synthesis and structural and physical properties characterization of Quantum Materials: cuprate high temperature superconductors, iron-pnictide high temperature superconductors, low dimensional quantum magnets, topological insulators, heavy fermion, heavy fermion superconductors, dilute magnetic semiconductors, and others. My focus is on understanding the emergent exotic quantum phases and the interplay between the phases and the structure of these materials. I am expert in the most used crystal growth (including exotic and very specialized techniques such as Travelling-Solvent Floating-Zone TSFZ and High-Pressure High-Temperature HPHT using multi-anvil and piston cylinder apparatus), and chemical & structural characterization methods used in the inorganic materials research. I use a wide variety of thermodynamic, electric transport, magnetic, X-ray & neutron scattering measurements in extreme conditions of low temperature/ high pressure (using diamond anvil cell DAC)/ high magnetic field, partly in house and partly at National Laboratories: NHMFL, APS/ANL, SSRL & LCLS/SLAC, ALS/LBL, NCNR/NIST, and HFIR & SNS/ORNL.